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Historical Research

Historian for Hire, LLC is not 'only' a walking tour service. The other part of the business provides historical research to clients - such as fact-checking a book for an author, confirming events that supposedly happened during the American Revolution, or tracking down a family's historical mystery. All this and more can be researched. Email Beth at to find out more.

Civil War Monument Task Force

As a member of the Civil War Monument Task Force I assisted my committee by conducting historical research. I gathered information about Private George W. Dugan, the only black man from Concord who enlisted in the Civil War. The gathered information was presented to the Select Board. The historical research allowed the Select Board to unanimously agree to adding Private Dugan's name to the plaque on the town's Civil War Soldier's Monument. To learn more visit the town website.

Soldiers Monument Plaque.heic

Wright Tavern Legacy Trust Project

Researching and retelling the story of the Wright Tavern.


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